
Gotcha. So you are one of the CINO Trumpers. Since when are conservatives ok with moral relativism? You know, the idea that a degenerate serial adulterer with 5 children by three different women is the right man to lead the nominally conservative party because "Bill Clinton did it too". Why should we defend a tv

He did answer. It was just a stupid answer.

Do you have any basis for calling O'Reilly's victims "dishonest" beyond the fact that you're mad they successfully got someone you like fired?

You rang?

Identity politics, whether it's the white nationalism on the right or the intersectionality crap on the left, is nothing more than divisive, tribalist bullshit.

Metrosexual's lawyers.

Yup, KevyB is engaging in the same "fake news" bullshittery that Trump and his dumbass followers do when they see something that conflicts with their worldview.

Or go get some fuckin' kimchi.

Now tell us how big your dick is.

Alex Jones is the personification of the evil side of the internet.

You know, if you call out the OP for his source then you should really be sourcing your own information posted here.

You have no idea.

Absolutely unprecedented. I think Trump wishes he could just run for President forever. It's way easier to go up in front of a couple thousand people who love you and promise them the world than it is to actually govern a nation where more than half the population hates you and while also being subjected to

Right? I always liked the "Stay on target" guy. The professionalism and dedication to duty displayed in the face of certain death is pretty admirable.

Sounds fun.

Left-wing ideology and anti-semitism are not mutually exclusive.

Like any competent ballistics expert couldn't tell the difference between the caliber of the Carcano rifle round that Oswald used and whatever handgun the Secret Service carried at the time.

I got into an argument with someone about this recently. He kept telling me that something like 61% of Americans don't believe that Oswald killed JFK like it was proof of his accusations. Insisting that because others believe it that it must be true is not an argument Dustin!

The criminal prosecution of Park Geun-hye? I mean, it's only just beginning but that is still some pretty heavy shit.