
Or engage in a little Jamie Lannister type action.

JFK was a naval officer…

I'd probably go full-on Fallout style raider in a few months.

My condolences Gentle Herpes. I've been told that being a Missile Launch Officer is one of the worst jobs in the AF. However, as a former SCIF soldier who spent days at a time in a freezing windowless building in Korea I empathize with you.

All of them?

The fact that he is a billionaire who has made some of the most financially successful movies in history probably has something to do with it. I can't see movie studios putting down that kind of money on someone else.

The man knows his way around action sequences though.

The narrative did wrap up quite nicely in the first one. Shoehorning in a sequel is just the way of Hollywood though.

Agreed. It's a totally generic, but beautiful, sci-fi movie. That being said I don't know why there needs to be four sequels and a fucking theme park.

As a guy who is fairly conservative myself I have to say that there are a lot of really, really stupid "conservatives". Usually they are on the social conservative side.* As long as someone is saying they are gonna fight the liberals and fix gay marriage and all that theistic bullshit they don't care that their guy

True, but they are always standing less then ten feet away from each other. I could hit someone with my eyes closed at that range.

That game is full of awesome moments, from the train, to fighting a bunch of dudes inside a collapsing building, to running through that village fighting a tank. Naughty Dog really knows how to concoct great action scenes.

Uncharted 1 is kinda meh. The series really picks up in the second installment.

Oh it definitely tries to be a legitimate action movie. It was one of the first major productions of the new wave of Korean cinema so the goal was a showy action thriller along the lines of an 80s Hollywood action movie. Even the best Korean fiction can be melodramatic and over the top though so it's not hard to see

ONN is always on point.

I also like that Call of Duty video they did. About the game consisting of hours of sentry duty spent staring into the desert and all that.

Call of Duty : Second Boer War - Colonial Edition

I'm sure there is some strategy game mod out there.

Just when it was getting good…

Yeah, let's have us a fat Doctor.