
I'd watch the hell out of a live action Space Dandy.

He is my favorite character in any comedy. Also, saying Gob Bluth is redundant.

George Oscar Bluth. He may be an insecure, overcompensating douchebag but goddamnit that character is funny.

O/T: The Wall Street Journal is reporting that LTG Flynn is seeking immunity in exchange for testifying before the Senate Intel Committee.

You're welcome dude

I've always been terrified of heights. You know that part in Full Metal Jacket where the drill sergeant is yelling at Pyle to get the fuck off his obstacle? That was me in basic training.

Garrus is by far the best character in the whole series. Who couldn't like a badass, space-bird, loose-cannon cop?


Nah, in the book Bobbie has a panic attack when she first goes outside and the guy who helps her through it is a security guard.

Good luck dude, but it sounds like you don't need any.

As a native New Jerseyian I am shaking my head in disbelief.

Shit, how are Ricky and Julian gonna make their money now that The Man has legalized bud?

Same here. I actually convinced my mom (who is a paramedic) that she would probably see less overdoses if all that shit was legalized.

Sure, I would. I wouldn't be a very good boyfriend though.

Was that Rhys Darby as the New Zealander kid?


넌 그냥 LOL 자주 하는 사람 이죠.


So you refuse to educate yourself and continue to cling to your beliefs. Right, I'm done with you. Have a good one.

Watch the documentary and then tell me it's all on the military's heads.