
Really? You know every single person who has served in the last 18 years and how they voted? There are plenty of active duty and vets who think that the current wars are a fucking wasteful money pit.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Go watch combat footage of the battle of Mosul. Then take a look at some Afghan or Iraq war footage. The best of the Iraqi military special forces don't even measure up to a line regiment of US Marines.

The military obeys the civilian government and abides (or tries very hard to) by the restrictions placed upon them. Is it the military's fault that the Bush administration invaded Iraq w/o a concrete post-war plan? Is it the military's fault that we keep putzing around in Afghanistan with no end-goal in sight while

Don't fault the military for the political establishment's policy failures. There is no military solution to the problems facing the middle east. At least not a western military solution.

Ah Johnny Rotten, always the contrarian.

Middle-class socialists with no military experience or Kurdish language ability go to fight Islamic extremists. What could go wrong?

Ordinarily I would agree with you. However, the Trump administration is a whole new ballgame. The Norks are probably 3-5 years away from a reliable ICBM and there is no way Trump is going to allow that to take place during his administration (assuming it even lasts that long). Mass casualties would be pretty much

If the show were smarter I think that would be the point.

True. It's always been a race to see what happens first: the collapse of the Kim regime or NK's nuke delivery program getting to the point where the US has no choice but to take action. However, with Tillerson meeting with the Chinese a few weeks ago and telling them to rein in their dog or we will take military

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb….

Get ready for war with North Korea. They keep accelerating the development of their nukes which spooks everyone in east Asia. That coupled with the fact that the South Korean left is almost guaranteed to win the presidential election come May and the need for Trump to distract from his many domestic failures doesn't

The far right doesn't trust snopes. They think it is leftist propaganda.

Accusing British intelligence of conducting surveillance of him on behalf of the Obama administration is pretty much and international incident.

I mean he IS a fantastic actor, but he isn't the only one.

Ah yes Idris Elba, the go to black guy. How about Steve Yeun? He's probably not doing anything right now.

The Warrior Monk would like a word.

The only way to fix this is by banning all adjectives.

He's probably trying to get the Secret Service to investigate everyone who curses him off on Twitter.
