
Not a Machete fan then, eh?

Right on Ghosts of Mars. I tried so hard to like that movie, but I just couldn't do it. I don't know how you fuck up a John Carpenter movie with Jason Statham and Ice Cube fighting alien ghosts on Mars.

Joke or serious? Place your bets now!

Considering his other friends are Bill and Dale I don't see why he wouldn't.

I wonder how you see something like The Boondocks? It's a fundamentally black American focused show created by black Americans yet it is undeniably influenced by and mimics Japanese anime.

Hong Kong cinema is dope. Mainland cinema sucks balls.

The Boomhauer approach.

Oh they already have. Trump fans already think that the AHCA is 100% Ryan's bill and that Trump has no responsibility for it.

Hahaha like deplorables. I'd love to see them walking around (or the internet equivalent) calling each other cucks.

Too bad she would have to go to Newark.

OHHHHHHHHHH!! Sick burn.

Yeah, I bet Trump's post-sex conversation involves a lawyer.

I think it would be funny if some of the women who he had legitimately slept with over the years came forward and said he had some sort of cuckold fetish. The alt-right wouldn't know what to do.

The American people chose the two most hated people in the country as the party nominees. We deserve every bit of condescension and mockery coming our way.

1. I'm not a liberal. I've made that very clear in my time commenting at this site.
2. I have never been a slave nor lived in Africa either but no one in their right mind could think that being forcibly taken from their home, enduring a hellish six week crossing in the hold of a cargo ship, being sold at random without

Of course they won't. What a non-sensical reply.

Wait, are you saying that chattel slavery is better than living in Africa?

Yeah, not so much.

I don't know why he gives a shout-out to that crapfest and ignores Starship Troopers.

LOL so you agree that that is what you were saying?