
Gotcha. So pre Tonight Show is black and post is black af? Or is it the other way around?

Still no idea. Are bad and boujee rappers? My interest in hip-hop only extends to pre-2005 rappers.

I don't know what "hit the quan" even is. I guess that coupled with the fact that I'm a ginger makes me white af.

Your definition of immigrant - "a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence"

What's the difference between black and black af?

"White people don't get to have an opinion because they are white".

Can it be Ha Ji Won? I love me some Ha Ji Won.

The Japanese don't give a fuck about the Koreans. It's the Koreans who hate the Japanese.

OH SHIT!!! Was wondering when you were gonna show up here.

Come on man, really? I think the whole uproar over this movie is dumb too but Carson was absolutely incorrect.

God bless you Mia Khalifa.


I'm not sure, but I will say that the special effects in that movie look better than almost everything released today. Also, I agree with you on The Fifth Element. Ruby Rhod is one of my favorite characters in any movie.

I fucking hate Face/Off. Actually I can't think of a single John Woo English language movie that I enjoy.

Yes! Starship Troopers was the best movie made in 1997.

In the army we call everyone who is an NCO just "sergeant". At my last unit before I got out we had marines attached to us and I called their Gunnery Sergeant "Sergeant" one time. Didn't make that mistake again.

Yeah, the creator of the work has no idea what he is talking about.

True, but that's not the only way to instill discipline. Trust me, anytime I had to perform D&C after boot camp everyone in the unit hated it. Well in the books it is explained that Mars was mainly colonized by Texans and the Chinese.

People who have never served don't think it's important and thus don't care to learn. I remember being at the airport in my ACUs and some lady asked me if I was a marine.
