
He also said that he was justified in spreading rumors about Ted Cruz's father because he was just quoting the news.

He wasn't threatening El Extrano, just providing a warning that this is a big deal to some people.

It's a cultural thing. We make distinctions because tradition and culture are important in the military.

Lol wut?

In every country that has both an army and marine corps it is.

That's because he is a military officer.

The inner harbor is nice, but everywhere else is a shithole.

The military is big on traditions. We still march in formation and learn drill and ceremony despite the fact that that type of warfare died with the invention of automatic weapons. It's not hard to extrapolate that the military services of the future would carry on the traditions of today.

Marines aren't known for their reasonableness.

That was bugging the hell out of me in an otherwise great episode.

Bite your tongue! The Canada song in The Final Sacrifice is gold.


I have to say I'm a little bitter he wanted to change his name to something completely different seeing as I was the one who picked out his name when my mom was pregnant with him. Oh well lol.

I see your "The Blindness of the Woods" and raise you "Salad Fingers".

Take that religious bigots!

I kind of enjoy that aspect of it. Using the drone to scout an outpost and then directing your guys in surgically eliminating the sicarios is awesome.

Because identity politics is all that matters. Tribalists have won.

Off topic, but anyone play the new Ghost Recon game?

I don't get guys who refuse to go down on their wife/girlfriend.

Don't fuck your friend's significant other is like the first rule of friendship.