
My friend bought a $6000 pure-bred bulldog off the internet while on ambien.

I slip up all the time using female pronouns or my brother's birth name. Thankfully he realizes that it's not on purpose.

Stay weird Japan.

It's super common at Korean movie theaters. I fucking hated that when I was over there.

Right. It's kind of hard for us planet-dwellers to understand what it would be like where someone could restrict the very air you breath as a way to ensure compliance.

The late 90s forever? Sign me up.

Just flag and block him.

No true conservative voted for that fucking clown.

Clickbait bullshittery works? Imagine that…

I doubt Indy would be a first strike target. If our strikes are effective then it could possibly be "spared" any follow up attacks.

Depends on which way the wind is blowing when they knock out Wright-Patt AFB.

Better than slowly dying of radiation poisoning in the weeks after.


In the books there are millions of belters. It's mentioned that Ceres has a population of around 4 million just by itself.

The show focuses on the fringe.

You're right on the money there. People thinking that Holden is an annoying douchebag is kind of a recurring theme in the books.

You call him a liar and two sentences later agree that Trump may not personally be anti-semitic. Ok…

I have no idea what you are talking about. I could be wrong, as I wasn't alive during the 70s and don't make a point of watching a lot of sitcoms from the era. Of those that I have seen, the only one I like is M*A*S*H.

The only 70s tv show that I've seen that was any good is M*A*S*H.