
Canadian culture is just generic store brand American culture. :P

Can they? Yes, but I think that's not the question you meant to ask.


"I've dwelled among the humans. Their entire culture is built around their penises. It's funny to say they are small, it's funny to say they are big. I've been at parties where humans have held bottles, pencils and thermoses in front of themselves and called out, 'Hey, look at me! I'm Mr. So-And-So Dick! I've got

That's a great idea!

Tell him that it is a scientific fact that his dad is a pig-fucker. When he protests tell him to do more research.

I actually knew a girl named Sargent when I was in the army. It was pretty funny when she picked up her stripes. She is up there with Senior Airman Slutz and Lieutenant Colonel Wolfgang Biggerstaff as the best names I encountered in the service.

They should continue with the gender-swap thing they have been doing lately.

Haven't read any of the novellas yet.

Yeah, Amos is kind of a blank slate in the first four books.

The crashed ship full of weeping angels are two of my favorite Doctor Who episodes. I agree that every appearance of them afterwards was kind of lame.

When I dropped out of college at age 20 and joined the army my father and I got into a pretty serious fight. He is a highly educated military brat himself and felt that he had escaped that life and didn't want me to return to it. I had been staying at his house and he kicked me out and told me not to come back until I

Hey good luck with the transition! My sister (brother now I guess) is going through the whole trying to grow a beard thing right now. Luckily my family is hairy as fuck, so he shouldn't have a very hard time of it I think.

I've never heard of a "cumspringa" before. That one gave me a pretty good laugh.

Ohio is actually quite nice. Especially Columbus.

Yeah, I've lived in both those places and hate them both.

Dave Chappelle isn't a rapper.

Hey man, kimchi is fucking delicious. It is somewhat of an acquired taste though.

It was pretty cool to see a horror movie take place almost entirely on a train I used to take every other weekend for three years.

There is a person named Kim Chi?