
You gotta be seriously fucked up to get kicked out of the military for drinking. Half the people I worked with were alcoholics.

Wait, you're telling me I could of been getting drunk every night at basic training? God dammit…

Park kills it as Danny Chung.

For a wildly popular movie that came out almost 27 years ago? Nah.

Just like fuckin' Saigon, eh slick?

It used to crack me up when my southern friends would get upset when the Korean soldiers we worked with called us yankees.

It's not a very big part. Stacks is in the movie for about ten minutes before Pesci whacks him.

Nope. The RGB was able to successfully weaponize gag shows though. That's pretty amazing.

It had some pretty funny moments, like the bit with Eminem at the beginning. The Korean accents were laughably bad though.

Shit man, if I could drive to fucking Delaware last year for a festival then you you can make it to Kent.

I kind of wish I was more into metal. One of my friends from high school has actually been kind of successful with his band. Put out a few albums, gone on tour, and played Warped Tour. He's even offered me tickets to shows but I just don't like metal enough to take him up on the offer.

I wish Dollhouse had been able to develop as a show. Such good ideas :(

Yes, despite your snarky reply I did defeat you. That being said, aside from Mattis and Kelly, Trump's appointments are as you said, a "shit sandwich".

Yeah, there are some nefarious characters. That being said, all this "oooh those evil, racist conservatives" shit from the left is the same kind of "amoral commie libtard" nonsense that the right wing spews about the left. It's all dehumanizing tribalistic bullshit.

Perhaps, but calling him crazy implies that he (like Trump) has no idea what he is doing. KJU knows exactly what he is doing. He has a very limited hand and is playing it quite skillfully.

There is a video on youtube of Stone Cold Steve Austin telling Trump what a piece of shit he is and it's hilarious.

He is one of the only legislators in Congress who consistently speaks out on the erosion of our right to privacy.

Lol do you know Eazy?

Seeing your political opponents as uniformly evil is part of the problem, no?

You think Mattis is less qualified than RFK was? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA