
Kim Jong Un is not a loon. Ruthless as hell, but not crazy.

Dude, if I had a billion dollars I would bankroll an expedition for them just for shits n' giggles. Just drop 'em off in Antarctica and say "alright, go find the edge".

Stupidity is not exclusively a right-wing phenomenon.

Yeah, but most ghouls end up losing their minds.


They didn't recover it.

In book 6 there is a Martian ship named for him.

Yup, I went to basic in 2010 with a 41 year old doctor from Ghana who joined to get citizenship. That guy was a hoot.

We don't like it when anyone uses us as political props.

Patton's actual speech is a hoot. It's actually far more profane than the movie version as Patton believed that using profanity endeared him to the common soldier.

Ahem, "sailor".

It's the job you sign up for.

No one I knew in the military wanted a "glorious" death on the battlefield. Everyone just wanted to get the hell home and see their family.

Too be fair, pontifex started a thread at the beginning for book spoilers. It would be nice if everyone posting spoilers just stayed within the bounds of that post.

I laugh in the face of Trump supporters when they try and say he is conservative. As if a trillion dollar infrastructure plan, a 20 billion dollar wall, massive defense spending, and government mandated paid maternity leave is small-government conservatism.

That's pretty much what it is. One of my best friends is the national vice-chair of the party and says it is mainly made up of centrist Republicans and Democrats disgusted by their respective parties lurch to the fringe.

True, but would progressives really welcome the rise of say, the Libertarian party as a political counterweight?

Still do! It's a fringe centrist party though.

Yeah! One party rule is great!

You would think that a veteran politician like Sessions would be smarter than that. He was well within his duties as a Senator on the Armed Services committee to meet with the Russian ambassador. Why not just say so during his confirmation hearings?