
Ah thanks. It's been a couple of years since I read the book and I couldn't remember if it was millions or billions.

No one beats GOB in my book.

I didn't write the books.

It takes place in the same universe as The Martian too.

Nah, I don't think it is specifically explained in the show but in LW Dresden says that the aliens who created the protomolecule hurled Phoebe into the solar system millions of years ago.

Nah, I'm all for furthering the goal of interstellar travel.

Exactly. The idea that a non-tested rocket and capsule will be ready for a 2018 launch is ludicrous.


The guy on Silicon Valley.

Diamonds are a fucking scam anyways.

Holy shit, you're right. His entire profile is literally only pro-Cosby arguments.

Yup, I used to be a cashier at a big box store and when people would come through with obviously fake coupons I would just say "fuck it" and let em use them.

You'll need a second. I volunteer my services.

I was that guy yelling "WOOO".

My dad pulls off the bald look pretty well.

He pretty much is Penguin.

Thanks Jables.

Adults can't like goofy shit too?

I knew quite a few Koreans more pale than I am. And I'm a ginger.

Isn't that what happens at the end of all the other King Kong movies? A bunch of 1930s fighter planes shoot Kong with several hundred machine gun rounds and kill him.