
Ma Deuce to the rescue!

There was a King Kong Gamecube game?

Haha thanks. It's actually a bit easier for me because I already speak fluent Korean. The grammar is so similar I only really have to worry about vocabulary.

Totally off topic, but I am stoked that I can read the kanji in your name. I started dating a Japanese girl recently so I figured I should learn some of the language.

That's a damn cool fight though.

Fuck it, I'm excited for this. I'm digging the Vietnam war/giant monsters mash-up they are going for.

For my first year and a half in the army the black beret was our daily cover. I hated them and was very happy when the brass realized how stupid they were and switched back to patrol caps.


What. A. Pussy.

If he starts cracking down on civil liberties then the last thing anyone should worry about is his fucking Twitter account.

Cool, thanks.

Let them compete in the legal marketplace like everyone else.

Drugs are easier to get then ever. When will these morons realize that prohibition doesn't fucking work. Legalize it all.

True, but then there are plenty of hypocrites of every political persuasion.

Huffpo is mirror-image Breitbart.

Can you provide a link? I would very much like to read that article.

Well played sir.

My grandfather was a career Navy submariner and he has smoked weed almost his whole life. He told stories about bringing bud onto his boat! Not sure if it's true, but I sure hope so.

Really? The political philosophy that abhors the centralization of state power worships authority? Can I have some of what you're smoking?

Let the Predator win!