
Nope, Angels fan. Both my parents are from LA and my whole extended family are all huge fans of the Halos.

I hope they all die and the alien wins. That would be a ballsy move.

The mostly liberal commenters on a pop-culture website don't like white nationalist Jew haters? Shocking… Fuck off you troglodyte.

I grew up as a Yankees hater in NJ so that dynasty in the late 90s was a pretty shitty time for me baseball-wise.

Why are you writing an article on a sport you obviously dislike O'Neal?

Yeah, it really sucks. There is great video of him taken during the primaries where he just lays into Trump for like ten minutes. Calls him deranged, a pathological liar, and other choice things. I really wish that Cruz would come back.

And attacking Ted Cruz for taking out a loan there.

Cool story bro time. I watched the first season a couple of years ago when I went to visit my cousin in LA. After watching the first couple episodes my cousin took a huge bong rip, turned to me and said "dude, it's so cool that this was based on a true story". My cousin isn't a very smart guy.

Don't forget Doctor Who and new MST3K.

Too many lols. Downvote.

If you think the right is united then you aren't looking hard enough.

NJ went the bold route of using piss yellow.

That stupid flag, crabs, and old bay is all they care about in Maryland.


You and me, bike racks after school. It's going down.

Emotion is overrated.

Dude, I too am skeptical and not very fond of religion. However, please take care not to call people illiterates when your post is riddled with spelling errors.

I wonder if the people pushing Calexit would be willing to take up arms to defend it?

When I was stationed in Korea I knew a KATUSA who would put in sessions like that. He was from Busan and didn't have the money to go home every weekend because ROK conscripts are only paid $80 a month. So he would go to a PC cafe and stay there all weekend playing League of Legends.

What's the movie?