
Almost all of the eager to kill types I met were white dudes from the south.

That's dereliction of duty, not draft-dodging.

Depends what standards you are talking about. My job was much more intellectually challenging than physically challenging. Linguist training costs the government quite a bit of money so they don't send people through that pipeline who can't hack it at language school. On the other hand, I knew quite a few people who

Bush Jr definitely took the easy way out, but being an ANG pilot is not draft-dodging.

Not really. The blatantly homicidal maniacs will get turned away by recruiters or MEPS, but plenty of people itching to kill some "hajis" have no problem getting in.

Yup, it's kind of weird. The Air Force has the most liberal enlisted force but the most conservative officer corps.

Ah, a ring knocker. :P Well, the AF Academy has always had that kind of reputation. All the airmen I knew were pretty liberal though. Definitely not the case in the Army. Most of the Army enlisted force is incredibly conservative, although my community was an exception. It's kind of hard to be a xenophobic asshole and

Oh absolutely. Most of the people that I knew in my job field were intelligent, normally adjusted people. Some, but not all of the combat arms people I met were kind of messed up though. People who joined up because they wanted to shoot people or kill Muslims or Arabs or whatever. I remember getting into an argument

He mentioned it in in conjunction with other terrorist attacks that have occurred in Europe. Made no mention to the crime rate at all and just assumed everyone would know what he was talking about. It is Trump's own fault that it was reported on that way.

They don't care, think it wasn't a big deal, or just hate McCain.

Officer or enlisted? I think most officers in the military are intelligent enough to see through Trump's bullshit. However, I knew some profoundly stupid people during my enlistment who are dyed-in-the-wool Trump fans.

Even if there was a point to be made about immigrants in Sweden causing a rise in the crime rate, Trump highlighted it in a profoundly stupid way.

Pretty much any article on this site about Lena Dunham has a number of attacks on her in the comments. She isn't very well liked around here.

No. Trump is a moron who wouldn't know the meaning of liberty if it bit him on the ass. Fuck Trump, fuck you, and fuck everyone who voted for him.

Americans are idiots. Too many people think that "free speech" means that they can say anything they want with no consequences whatsoever. These people are seemingly unaware that the First Amendment only prevents the government from censoring or persecuting someone for their speech, not from other decent people

Or the mixing of tenses in one sentence.

I think Penelope was talking about my acquaintance.

I gave him a link to the entire three hour show and highlighted the time in the video where Milo the Clown said that shit. I have not gotten a reply.

That was his second edit as well.

Behold the words of a Milo fan after I asked him over Facebook to comment on an article about this that I posted from a conservative blog.