
Kicking out imperialists is only bad if Europeans do it.

Upvoted for Ace Combat. I can't wait for #7.


Better than Minority Report? Surely you jest, sir?

I filled this thing out in Korean calling our dipshit-in-chief some of the vilest things I could think of. Nothing threatening, but damn those Koreans know how to talk shit about someone.

Definitely joking around. the lies of minnelli is one of the leftiest lefties around these parts.

I would be the last man a devoutly religious person would want to marry.

Last spring my sister came to visit with her dog, so I decided to take the pup over to my university for a walk. After walking around for a bit two smoking hot women walked up and initiated a conversation with me. My hopes were dashed about 30 seconds in when I found out they were Mormons.


Hahaha this looks so dumb.

There is always talk about the collapse of the North Korean regime. Kim Jong Un has proven remarkably resilient (mostly due to his ruthlessness) for someone who became a dictator before the age of 30. However, having his older brother whacked so soon after the defection of the DPRK deputy ambassador to the UK is a

The distant future, the year 2000…

Damn, gotta give the Reconnaissance General Bureau some credit. This was some outstanding tradecraft. Poor old Jong Nam probably had no idea what was going on.

Trump University

My ROK army friends used to say we Americans smelled like cheese.

With that report today about the National Guard being used in deporting illegal immigrants it looks like the Trump admin is using psyops on the American people. An 11 page memo gets leaked to the AP, who say they asked the White House and DHS multiple times for comment. Getting no reply, the AP releases a story on the

O wise MANIMAL please tell us how you would have defeated the Japanese.

If you want an insight into the mind of the average Trump voter, check out this forum. http://www.conservativesfor…
It's not quite as mind bogglingly racist and anti-semitic as Breitbart, but man some of those people are morons.

Yes, it's called stew.

Promoted by people ignorant of history.