
He doesn't even like that nickname. Secretary Mattis is probably the most intelligent person in this administration.

A massive battle involving millions of men in the densely populated Japanese home islands combined with the Japanese cultural attitude towards surrender wouldn't have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people? That's just deaths caused by combat too. If you account for the disease and

You think a conventional invasion of Japan wouldn't have resulted in that amount of casualties? The battle of Okinawa was fought past any moment that the Japanese could have conceivably won the war. Their navy was all but destroyed and therefore had no ability to project power. The Japanese army of three divisions and

What are you talking about? I was replying to his comment about the effects an invasion of Japan would of had on the baby boomer population.

And ya know, the million or so projected conventional casualties.

Would you really want to be in a Vault-Tec shelter?

My politics are center-right. Trump is an absolute loon and this country should be fucking embarrassed for electing him.

The wastes will be a lot harder to navigate without power armor.

I didn't. I have kind of a morbid bet going on with my dad about how long it will take for the Trump administration to crash and burn. I took under a year and it looks like I'll be winning that bet. Yay me…


The Roci isn't MCRN controlled.

That chapter in Caliban's War where Fred lays into him is hilarious.

Right. I knew a bunch of them in the military and with one exception they were all great people. Even that one exception wasn't a bad person, he just annoyed the fuck out of me.

Who the fuck is Frank Grillo?

Maher is quite consistent in his disdain for all religions.

That was a weather report?

That was bleak and hilarious.

"I don't care if they completely disagreed with my candidate and didn't share her values. They still should of voted for her". And if Trump had decided to run as a Democrat would you have voted for Ted Cruz?

The Chinese version of the Disney movie.

I have heard it, and it's great. My roommate at army language school was learning Mandarin and used to watch Chinese movies all the time. The Chinese version of Mulan was one of them.