
I meant the photo. I'll take Tennessee over Alabama or Mississippi any day of the week.

Not literally. In response to O'Reilly saying that Putin was a thug and a killer Trump said ""There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers. Well, you think our country is so innocent?" Now, I don't think he is referring to the high rate of gun deaths we have in this country.

It's good, but I prefer Alaska's.

Still getting the hang of this place, eh?

Tennessee is the worst.

Alaska wins this game.

Right now, you're being a bad person. You have handed over your heart and soul to bad people. You're doing evil in the world. I hope someday you pick up the pieces of yourself and you fix it and you stop doing evil in the world. I live there, and I would like you to stop.

I'm a sucker for this kind of movie. So yeah, I'm in.

Umm O'Reilly is the clear horse to back.

What kind of fucking Bizzaro world do we live in where the Republican president calls the US military a bunch of murderers while defending a Russian dictator?

Y'all see the one about oil powering interstellar spaceflight? The party I was at had a good laugh at that one.

People don't like Maher because he doesn't give a pass to theists with shitty beliefs who happen to be minorities in this country.

Is it cool if I'm just theophobic?

You give Yiannopoulos too much credit. As vile as his views were, at least Rohm was a combat veteran and not adverse to getting down and dirty along with the rest of the SA. Yiannopoulos is a fucking clown who talks shit but would be the first to run and cower when confronted by angry anti-fascists.

I'm fucking worried about the Iran thing. I have 4 more months left on my IRR commitment and I do not want to return to a military under the command of Trump.

For a supporter of a progressive domestic agenda, no he's probably not much better. However, from a foreign policy standpoint he would be far and away better than the metaphorical bull in a china shop that is the Trump foreign policy approach.

George Takei was awesome in Red Alert 3. Man those games had such ridiculously over the top live action scenes. So great.

That's what I'm hoping for.

Which, a lot of them aren't. There was a Republican party official in Michigan who called for troops to fire on protestors as a way of getting some of the more violent protests under control. Quite a few of the commentators in the conservative forums that I frequent seem to echo that view. It disturbs the hell out of