
Too Canadian.

Lots of Australian aborigines in Detroit.

So, Brooklyn Nine-Nine?

How about some coverage of The Expanse?

Colorado microbrews or GTFO.

Danny Aaaacha

Can't go wrong with a 1500 won bottle of convenience store soju.

Tommy Wiseau came out with a statement on Trump? This I gotta see.

Hahahaha you assume the Norks had any plans to abide by that deal?

Whoa, we have two of you now?

Like the dude below says, none of them were Arabs. The Tsarnaev bros were Chechen, the San Bernadino couple were Pakistani, and the Orlando guy was Afghan. The Chattanooga shooter and Fort Hood shooter were Arab-Americans though. I don't think the Aurora shooting was terrorism because that guy seems to be just batshit

Exactly. It cracks me up when people find out I'm a vet and ask all these silly questions about guns n' shit. I was a linguist who went to the range about 4 times a year to maintain my quals. Never fired anything other than my M16 after basic.

I'm more or less ok with United 93. The people on that plane were heroes who sacrificed their lives to prevent greater suffering. Not to take away from the tragedy of what happened, but the people in the Aurora shooting were just regular moviegoers who wanted to see Batman break some faces.

I had a friend in the army who was from southern Maryland and used to get so pissed when our other friends and I would say he was from Baltimore. So naturally we did it all the time.

Army of Darkness is pretty awesome.

New Baltimore.

I'm with you there buddy. What kind of message do movies like Dark Knight and Patriot's Day send to those would be terrorists and lunatics out there? Go kill a bunch of people in a bombing or shooting spree and five years later Hollywood will make a movie about you? It's disgusting.

Spec Ops: The Line was pretty much Apocalypse Now: The Video Game.

The Road Warrior, Fury Road, Dawn of the Dead, Wrath of Khan, Toy Story 2, umm The Dark Knight I guess…

Dude, Aliens fucking rules. It's my favorite movie.