
They do, except to the ardent Trump supporter the immigrants of the 19th Century and before were the good immigrants and the ones of today are the bad immigrants. Code for: they were mostly white immigrants.

People like to forget that all of humanity are violent, imperialist warmongers.

That Shiner Bock Prickly Pear is fucking delicious. Not a huge fan of their other stuff though.

The wine always got rave reviews from the extended family. I only said supposedly because:
1. I was a teenager at the time.
2. I'm not a huge wine fan.

Modelo sucks but Negra Modelo is actually quite tasty.

Using the anecdotal example of my dad's cousin, they do. The guy would always order the most expensive wine on the menu at restaurants and bring boxes of supposedly amazing wine to every family get together. He was an awesome dude and I really miss him. Fuck you cancer.

I'm fine with this. Budweiser's beer sucks anyways.

I think we are all pretty good at ridiculing those douche-nozzles.

That's playing right into Bannon's hand. You can bet your ass that he is just itching for more violent protests as an excuse for Trump to "send in the Feds" and Crack some skulls.

Uh, Fury?

Ok, so my joke didn't go over well. I meant nothing sinister by it.

I'm willing to give it a shot.

I know, and the French army fought valiantly in the Battle of France despite inept leadership and poor tactical doctrine. They still lost and had to be liberated by the US, Great Britain, and Canada.

Fuckin' nazis man…

Except the French.

I've heard of it, but haven't had the chance to read it yet.

People talking shit about Obama's kids was and is wrong. So is people talking shit about Barron Trump. Sure, he may grow up to be a scumbag like his scumbag father and scumbag half-brothers but right now he is just a ten year old kid.

The famous documentary filmmaker Ken Burns. Known for his works on baseball, the Civil War, and WW2.

Season 1 is a pretty faithful adaptation of the first 2/3 of Leviathan Wakes. The only major difference is that Avasarala isn't introduced until the second book.

The book is far superior to the film. Imagine a Ken Burns style documentary in book form and that is what World War Z is.