
Yup, the series is based on the books.

Now he has gone too far!

I'm torn on that one. He obviously did more than someone like Trump or Cheney but then again he was also lame-ass National Guard.

Check out the Expanse series. It's really great sci-fi.

Gore could of gotten out of joining if he wanted. He could of gotten a commission instead of enlisting. He could of spent his entire enlistment stateside, but went to Vietnam. He may not have been combat arms but that man was a soldier. Nothing pretend about it.

So, anyone who wasn't an infantryman was "pretend" military? Fuck you buddy. Where did you serve?

I humbly apologize.

What are you gonna do about it?

I just finished Poilu by Louis Barthas. It is the memoirs of a French army corporal who fought in the trenches for nearly the entire First World War. Corporal Barthas wrote about his experiences during the war in a series of nineteen notebooks and after the war sat down and wrote out this book based on his notes.

Would you also be ok with violence against Marxists? History has shown that non-Marxists haven't fared too well after the Marxists take power, so self-defense right? That being said, fuck Nazis too.

Didn't take long for you to abandon your non-violence principles did it?

Yup. It's still pretty small, but you gotta start somewhere right?

The Modern Whig Party is a thing. One of my best friends is planning to run for town council in my hometown on their ticket.

Still doesn't mean he/she has anything in common with those fucks over at Breitbart.

Not to mention allowing IS members to freely use the program to attract followers back in 2014.

I don't necessarily agree with Galaxion that AV Club should cool it with the Trump articles, but conflating his Trump fatigue with the racist fucks over at Breitbart makes you look like the asshole. Just sayin'.

Keep your powder dry.

With blackjack, and hookers!

Hooray for beer!

I've been saying for ever since the election that Sen. Duckworth will be the Dem nominee.