
Just root for the NFC.

That's a cool hat though.

What a lovely excuse for me to post this, the best Onion video ever.

Can I though?

Shit, if the Cubs can win the World Series then the Falcons can pick up their first Super Bowl victory. This Giants fan is rooting for ya Birds.

Atlanta is actually pretty cool. They have this dope underground mall that looks like it belongs in an Asian metropolis and not a southern US regional city.

We aren't.

Jim Webb would of eaten that draft-dodging pussy alive.

The trailers had me thinking "ugh, skip". This review just changed my mind. This sounds like just what I need today. Also, the first one quoted "Anarchy Burger" by The Vandals so I will love it forever.

So is life.

I'd rather play as the poor people.

Better answer than the others.

You're absolutely right. How does that advance the cause of ending bigotry and racism?

How do you "perfect" racism?

With a few exceptions, neither is modern hip-hop.

Uniquely American, as in we created it.

Are you saying Kanye is bad or hip-hop is bad?

Country fucking sucks though.

Shit, if Marvel can do it with the new Wolverine movie then Star Wars certainly can.

My buddy just got engaged to a Canadian girl and his company said they would move him to the Toronto office. I'm so jealous.