
What the fuck is more American than hip-hop?

If they had any balls it would be rated R.

RIP Manny Bothans

I hope that Disney deigns to give us a Darth Vader movie about him hunting down Jedi and just generally being a fucking badass.

Yeah, fuck whitey! Even the ones who didn't vote for him.


They are more of a squad than a platoon.

If only that actually worked…

Yeah, it's not really a great show to binge watch but I still put it on every once in awhile to get a few good guffaws.

Shit, I seen your posts. You aren't even a good troll. There is a certain

I'm not a country fan at all but I think Toby Keith is a bigger act than 3 Doors Down.

The only anime I have ever watched was Akira (awesome) and Space Dandy (hilarious).

It's ok if you were stoned.

He can fucking try. Cold, dead hands and all that.

Well, it is a sharpie. And who the fuck writes a speech in sharpie?

Don't admit that here! They'll burn you at the stake.

Oh it's still out there. There are still some conservatives who remain NeverTrump.

That tweet is the epitaph of our culture.

You can have all the discussions you want, but the you are never going to get enough of the small population states to go against their interests and overturn the EC with a new Constitutional Amendment.

Shit, North Korea has elections.