
There is a very good chance that it is a Chinese rifle.

True, but like I have said elsewhere it is a moot point.

But, they're toys….

Take that up with Alexander Hamilton. He himself conceded that it wasn't perfect.

Bush 43 came and gave a speech at the National Guard armory across the street from my high school. A bunch of my friends cut class and went out and threw snowballs at the motorcade and cops. They all got arrested, but I can't see that happening today.

There is a theory by some anti-Trump conservatives that one of the big reasons Trump won the Republican primary over vastly more qualified candidates was that Hilary supporters were voting in the open primaries in the hopes of facing an "easier" opponent.

That's his stank face.

I wonder if NBC will puss out like Comedy Central did with the South Park "Muhammad" episode?


We are not a democracy.

Democrats got rid of the 2/3 requirement to confirm cabinet picks because they were pissed off. Look how that turned out to bite them in the ass. Be careful what you wish for.

Why have states at all then?

You ain't Charles Barkley, you just a wannabe that looks like him!

That doesn't mean that the state governments will give up the power that the EC provides them.

Hello Mr. President-Elect.


Machete Kills sucked.

Generation Kill is the most realistic depiction of the military that I have ever seen on film. Of course, I was a soldier and not a Marine but the lingo, attitude, and everything else was mostly spot fucking on. I guess that is to be expected from David Simon.

There is a liquor store near my dad's house in Maryland that sells Arrogant Bastard pints in a six-pack for $11. Glorious.

Kill the internet?