
Shit, just saw this after I posted mine.


My plan was to move to South Korea and then the Park Geun-hye scandal broke…

Congrats! My brother has been two years sober now. It's a long hard process but totally worth it.

The only people who think that was a good thing have no experience in the intelligence community. Though I am glad he just commuted the sentence and didn't pardon her.

It's a moot point anyways. A Constitutional Amendment would be required to get rid of the EC and good luck getting the small states to go along with that.

This is a good point.

Yes, their votes would count but no candidate would ever go there and campaign on issues that are important to the residents of that state.

The Electoral College has it's problems, but so would a direct popular vote. Four states (California, Texas, Florida, and New York) contain almost a 3rd of all the people in the US. The EC theoretically gives a voice to people in states like Wyoming or Montana or Vermont who would otherwise be completely ignored in a

Dunk the lunk, thick as a castle wall.

Sounds like an interesting place.

Step 1: Collect underpants
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit

Also, those ellipses in your quotes suggest you are editing out words in order to make the quotes fit your argument.

Replying to your own post? You don't really get how this shit works do you?

Ja ja ja ja ja!

What's the best language to talk dirty in? I guess thats not really a "relationship" question, but fuck it.

The Gospel according to Dikachu.

Also true.

The left isn't nearly organized enough to accomplish that.

What a hero.