
Lena Dunham has fans?

I always loved synths.


They need a category for Best Mindfuck.

Slightly off topic but I'm 90% sure one of my childhood friend's dad was in the Mafia. I grew up in north Jersey and my friend's family was stereotypically Italian. I'm talking full on Sopranos style. My town was one of the wealthier NYC suburbs where everyone's dad or mom worked on Wall Street or whatever but all my

I quite enjoyed Eastern Promises. That being said, the idea of a movie now featuring an FSB agent undercover in a western nation as the protagonist makes me queasy.

Come on really? So no one is allowed to complain about anything because other people have it worse? I guess every American should just shut up about everything because we aren't living in North Korea or Mosul.

Why would he care though? He has no business affiliation with the other barbershop, correct? As a consumer, as long as the Chinese people provide an acceptable haircut at a cheaper price he should fucking stoked.

I haven't read Babylon's Ashes yet but that is awesome.

Uh, squirting?

Counterpoint: John Glenn

Who steals a strap on?


That's capitalism. Trump supporters are fucking morons.

Get over yourself. The whole human species is evil.

Like those people who assaulted protesters at Trump's rallies? You don't have the moral high ground either.

Ehh, close enough.

Nope, too easy.

And because they think Israel is the key to bringing about Revelations.

Well, good to know that Grace Park still has work. She was my favorite in BSG.