
That's still a thing?

Oh I don't think he is an ugly dude at all. I'm just surprised he's at the top slot.

Well the driver was a civilian, but I could totally see the drill sergeants telling him to only listen to the worst thing he could think of.

Semantics. My brother is a trans man. I care very much about LGBT rights. I just don't think Trump himself is a homophobe.

When I was in basic whenever we took the bus out to the range or training facility the bus driver always listened to The Steve Harvey Show. As if boot camp wasn't shitty enough. Our only chance at entertainment from the outside world and we had to hear that dreck. I think they did it on purpose.

He does sorta look like Mr. Potato-Head…

Really? I mean I'm a straight dude, so what the fuck do I know but that kind of surprises me.

Even if they do, that doesn't excuse TFA.

Ugh, I was a Korean major and had to take a Korean traditional music class. It was awful, but I think it was mainly due to the insane professor I had. Korean films are dope. It is by far my favorite non-American film industry. I just wish that they made good TV too. It's almost all variety shows and sappy romantic

Frito Pendejo! I'm pretty sure he got his start in Punk'd though.

Hey, at least you recognized that it was Korean.

새끼 literally means baby animal, but in colloquial Korean it is an insult akin to asshole or bastard.

I think that's all Moffet knows how to write.

I understand just where he is coming from in regards to the plane thing. Every time I fly I'm nervous as all hell despite knowing the fact that statistically flying is safer than driving, which I do all the damn time.

알렉스 존스가 미친놈 이거든. 그 새끼는 아무거나 세계주의를 이라고 생각해.

Imperial. I'm an American, damnit!

Hiring a prostitue is assaulting women?

Being a CHiPs fan is ipso facto demeaning.

I doubt any POTUS and VPOTUS agree on every little thing. I don't think Trump is jazzed about gay people, but I certainly don't think he holds any antipathy towards them either. I can totally see his administration enacting policies that harm people of color or religious minorities but I doubt very much that it will

Pence is a bigot, but those are his views, not Trumps. I can't believe I am defending him, but those kind of baseless claims undermine other arguments one can make.