
Look, I can't stand Trump either but I don't know where this "he hates the LGBT community" shit is coming from. The dude went up on stage holding an LGBT flag and basically told his supporters that gay marriage and the like is here to stay. Whatever else there is in his fucked up history there is nothing to suggest

Not just hookers, but porn stars.

Fuck bitches, get money.

Isn't that the point of this site?

I wasn't really talking about elected officials per se.

The extremes of both sides fuel each others rise.

Ugh, I hate that term. Slavery is slavery.

Counterpoint: If you have 10 billion dollars you are hiring a fuckton of hookers.

After I got out of the army I didn't shave or cut my hair for about 10 months. I'm pretty sure my college classmates thought I was a homeless dude who wandered into class.

Dude seriously. My two best friends at college were a Korean-American and a Korean and they had no trouble picking up white chicks. One of my friends from high school was Chinese-American and he got more girls than anyone I've ever met. What an ignorant jackass Harvey is.

Sympathy upvote. I love my fat cat.

I've lived all over this country and overseas as well and Ohio is by far my favorite place to have lived.

Cincinnati is ok, but the best city in Ohio is definitely Columbus.

When was the last time the Wolverines won The Game?

Yeah, it was dumb.

Gristle McThornBody

Zazz Blammymatazz

Dude, in the old canon Han Solo's home system had five inhabitable planets.

So, everyone?

Though I never did understand why the Republic had their best pilots off doing commando raids on the side.