
Right now, you're being a bad person. You have handed over your heart and soul to bad people. You're doing evil in the world. I hope someday you pick up the pieces of yourself and you fix it and you stop doing evil in the world. I live there, and I would like you to stop.

God bless you Mark Hamill.

Is that better than Backdoor Sluts IX?

No one can claim the moral high ground in total war.

The actual collection, analysis, and dissemination of data. Officers just manage and direct the focus of the mission but lack the knowledge of the nitty-gritty details. For example, I was a linguist and had almost two years of language and technical training before I was qualified to do my job while an MI officer goes

Shkreli has the rare Wu-Tang album?

Couldn't of said it better myself.

I'm the Eye-hole Man! I'm the only one that's allowed to have Eye-holes.

Fair enough

There was a car chase in Spectre?

K-2 was better than any character in TFA.

Too bad none of that made it into the movie.

Intel is a strange beast in the military. It is probably the only branch of the military where the average enlisted soldier is smarter than the officers. I was enlisted MI and the stupidity of some of the officers I worked with was mind boggling.

It's just my opinion. I'm fully aware that a Constitutional Amendment would be required to implement it and I don't see it happening. I know its a civilian position and wouldn't want it the only people considered for the position to be career officers but when I vote I put serious consideration to whether or not the

Right now, you're being a bad person. You have handed over your heart and soul to bad people. You're doing evil in the world. I hope someday you pick up the pieces of yourself and you fix it and you stop doing evil in the world. I live there, and I would like you to stop.

LOL George Scott is so good in that movie.

Maybe the whole movie will just be Luke and Ren doing kick-ass Jedi stuff.

No, Flynn was an MI officer his entire career. Never saw a day of combat in his life.

I like Finn, other than that though…

Also, the X-Wing book series fucking rules.