
He is a competent hack.

Yeah, but it looked fucking cool.

Yeah, but at least JJ Abrams isn't directing the next one. Rian Johnson gives me hope.

Also, having the battle droids as comic relief was a terrible decision. Other than that I agree with you.

The pod race beats anything in TFA, annoying ass Anakin and all.

For all its faults, at least the EU sorta made sense vis-a-vis the collapse of the Empire. Various former high ranking officers and government officials going warlord and the New Republic having to consolidate power and take back the galaxy over time makes a lot more sense then TFA's bullshit plot.

You mean speciesist?

That's one of the problems I have with the show. I don't know why the writers (or PKD himself) assume that the Empire of Japan would technologically stagnate like that. The IJN was probably the most advanced navy in the world at the beginning of WW2 and certainly had the best fighter plane. I don't understand why they

Nah, the Clemson vs. Alabama game was game of the year.

It's a Russian sniper rifle.

A gig is a gig, yo.

Is that a good or bad thing?

Man, that part where Heusmann is still willing to go through with the operation despite the revised Nazi casualty figures and "knowing" that Japan has nukes is fucking chilling.

Ugh, Flynn is a damn snake who politicked his way into 3-stars.

Tell me, have you ever held a TS/SCI clearance? If not, how the fuck would you know what constitutes illegal handling of classified material?


I never said restrict voting rights to veterans.

In your opinion. I'd just prefer that the person who is CiC of our military and has the capacity to wage a war on a scale large enough to destroy human civilization knows what its like to be in the shoes of those he is in charge of.

Sacrifice for your country?

True. Like I said, it won't be a popular opinion and I accept that folks will disagree with me.