
I know this won't be a popular opinion here, but I honestly think military service should be a requirement for the office of the Presidency. How can you serve the people of the country if you don't understand the concept of sacrificing for your country.

Dude, he fucking created the military.

Even the Korean newspapers and sites I read talk about Trump a hell of a lot.

Well, he did hand over all that blackmail shit to the FBI.

Hey its ok. Some asshole over at Salon wrote an article condescendingly telling us dudes that it's ok to show up too.

We elect our President through the Electoral College. Hillary knew it as well as Trump. While losing the popular vote means he definitely doesn't have a mandate, trying to say that makes him illegitimate is a failing argument. Also, if Clinton hadn't broken the rules of handling classified information then the FBI

You have no idea how deep that rabbit hole goes.

Sucks man.

Who still does that?

It doesn't have anything to do with Russia. Never said it did. You said he wants peace, but moving the US embassy to Jerusalem (which isn't even the capitol) because some fucking evangelicals think that's what god wants is not a peaceful move. It will inflame tensions and make the ME even more dangerous. Please

Good is stretching it. Contrite would be a better word I think.

You count True Romance but why not From Dusk Till Dawn?

He an asshole fan too? My dad is probably the second most obnoxious sports fan I know. He is a Clemson alum and I went to OSU so watching the Fiesta Bowl with him was fucking brutal.

I've been reading all weekend. Just finished up George R. R. Martin's Dunk and Egg tales. They were… ok. I started another book yesterday and I'm already halfway through it. It's called Poilu and it is the memoirs of a French army corporal named Louis Barthas who was a reservist called up at the beginning of WW1 and

That is my biggest issue with Sessions. Sure, he may be your run of the mill Alabama bigot, but the AG can't just go in and be like "yo, segregation and Jim Crow are back on". He can however increase the size and scope of the war on drugs which is a major factor in the criminal justice problems we have in this country.

I've been saying that for months now…

Abuse the shit out of it?

As a fellow hairy dude, I support and respect your decision.

Shit, Audie Murphy became a star and he was a tiny little stick.

Ah, I've met that dude. He's pretty chill.