
Didn't the Emiratis have a hard time selling that real estate?

You should be honored. I got three.

That may be, but in this instance she was being completely ridiculous. She started off the conversation with a personal attack and then when anyone was like "yo, calm down" implied that they were rape supporters.

Ugh, don't encourage her.

Bro, if that missile is MIRV'd they could do it in one shot.



I hope this becomes a new joke here.

Right now, you're being a bad person. You have handed over your heart and soul to bad people. You're doing evil in the world. I hope someday you pick up the pieces of yourself and you fix it and you stop doing evil in the world. I live there, and I would like you to stop.

Does that ever actually work?

Right now, you're being a bad person. You have handed over your heart and soul to bad people. You're doing evil in the world. I hope someday you pick up the pieces of yourself and you fix it and you stop doing evil in the world. I live there, and I would like you to stop.

You get a whiny lecture! YOU get a whiny lecture! EVERYONE gets a whiny lecture!!

No, you are being ridiculous and we are making fun of you for it.

I don't think it is.

Stop what, being snarky? That's unpossible!

I get one too guys!!

LOL are you serious?

Dude, seriously. I get when religious conservatives act all weird about sex but now that liberals are doing it too it reminds me of the part in 1984 where O'Brian says that the goal of Ingsoc is to phase out sex altogether.

Hail Gawker!