
That's what I thought too, but then you have articles like this that could of been written by a Republican in the 80s.

But shooting shit is fucking fun.

Why are you shilling for upvotes for Dikachu? He can earn them the old-fashioned way: by being snarky on the internets.

So is sex a good thing or a bad thing these days in liberal America? I'm kinda confused.

Who doesn't?

And gay dudes like hot dudes?

The daily Trump post pity parties don't help much.

How the fuck can you seriously believe that? There is literally video evidence of him doing so!
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. Fuck!

Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem is a great way to achieve that peace!

They were, and they should have been. That is the DNC's fault for insisting on an obviously flawed candidate over the likes of Bernie Sanders. I'm not a liberal and I'm definitely not a socialist, but even I would have voted for Bernie over Trump. Not so with Clinton. I didn't vote for Trump, but I couldn't bring

Yeah, not bullshit. If you ever had a TS/SCI clearance you would know why people were upset over that.

Oh so the Trump trolls are slandering the US military now huh? Some fucking patriots y'all are, defending the Russians and calling your own soldiers murderers. Where did you serve buddy?


Looks like I got the AV Club to correct their mistake as well.

It wasn't too bad actually. My mom is a pretty run of the mill Catholic and my dad lucked out being a Navy brat so he grew up away from the worst of the Baptist dogma. I don't know about their marriage, but i think it was in a Catholic church because my mom's mom wanted it that way and my dad liked her better than his

Mark Hamill rules.

Not a Senator.

I got a solution. You're a dick! South Carolina, what's up?!?

Holiday has a point. Why is her accepting this an inherently political act? I can't stand Trump like the rest of you, but the things people were saying to her to get her to not perform are pretty fucked up.