
I grew up in a family that is heavily Catholic on my mother's side and devoutly Southern Baptist on my father's side. I enjoy learning about the historical or literary aspects of religion but as a whole I think it is a disease endemic to our species.

Religion… yuck.

Not really.

Shit, can they both lose?

That sounds pretty non-repulsive actually.

You're in your 30's and still drink Natty?

Rhode Island, really? Are you sure you don't mean New Jersey?

That game single-handedly got my ex-girlfriend into video games. She is Korean and really into Westerns so she always wanted to play the "cowboy game" whenever we would hang out at my place. Now she has her own PS4 and is stoked for the second one.


We already have for-profit prisons and hospitals…

How original!

Your wife rules.

Because Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis:The Movie would be boring as fuck.

It's not as ubiquitous as it is in the south, but it's not exactly rare either.

At least your insane rednecks are historically accurate. The dumbass hicks up in Ohio who drive around with Stars and Bars stickers don't seem to understand that their ancestors marched south and killed those rebel fucks.

Trump is too much of a pussy to be Ares. The guy is a draft-dodging chickenhawk. The lowest of the low.

"…hillbillies in deep woods and hollers of kentucky going nazi?" Who else goes nazi?

I seem to recall that the convergence point in the book was FDR being assassinated in the mid-30s, so that would explain it. Speaking of the south and the civil war, I used to love getting in arguments with my grandfather about the so called "War of Northern Aggression". I am baffled that anyone could claim the moral

What in the show leads you to believe they didn't kill a lot of us?