
The south surrendered to the damn-yankees didn't they? Kill enough people and they would get the point. In the show the US capitulated in what, 1948? The show is set in '62 so that's 14 years of guerrilla warfare against Nazis? The show probably gets it about right in terms of resistance elements.

And how did we get the Japanese to surrender, bushido code and all? By obliterating their cities one by one until they capitulated. Thankfully it only took two, but you could bet your ass that the Nazis would have used the same tactic.

The show posits that Nazi Germany was the first nation to develop nuclear weapons. Manpower advantage means nothing when you can wipe out a whole corps with one bomb.

Cool! Thanks for the lesson dude.

Ok, enlighten me. What's wrong with gray on white? I assume because it would be hard to see?

Yeah, Russian adventures in Georgia and the Ukraine are all part of the Washington establishment's plans to stoke the embers of Cold War II.

All it's faults? The Mist is a terrific adaptation.

Ha, I say it all the time…

I'm so stoked for some Martian marine action.

You all are excited for more Marvel superhero bullshit, but not a peep about the best sci-fi show on TV: The Expanse?

Don't forget the endless descriptions of heraldry.

"Sorry for having you in this time of instability. I fucked up."

Good point.

There is a section of the right wing that would be happy with electing a Russian asset. These people LIKE Putin and his tough on Islamists, gays, and wusses stances. As a moderate conservative, that scares the shit out of me. There is a conservative leaning forum that I used to frequent where resistance to or

It's always a possibility. I think the sexual stuff is probably bogus, but I'd put my money on the collusion and monetary ties to Russian oligarchs being true.

I'm not a liberal.

If these allegations are proven true, they should all be strung up on the national mall Mussolini-style.

Definitely not mutually exclusive. However, it seems that timamac up there is upset that someone has the temerity to ask hard questions about his cult leader.

That theory would make a lot more sense if Smith wasn't CIC of the SS in America. Why would a secret Jew want to be a general of the SS with all the attendant scrutiny the position would bring and not just some plumber in Indianapolis?

Funny how everyone forgets that Churchill was responsible for the disaster that was Gallipoli.