
Some have the strength to fight on and others don't. Why did Petain collaborate and de Gaulle resist? I'm curious to see what Smith's reasons were too.

How the fuck can you do 13 years in the Navy as a picky eater? Two weeks of army bootcamp was enough to disabuse me of the notion of being picky with what I ate.

New Beck and Gorillaz albums? Fuck yeah.

A Jim Anchower movie could be great.

One is a sequel to Sex House isn't it?

Hi dad!

Upvote for effort.

Not really a turning point. All that happened at Dunkirk was the British saved the bulk of their army to fight another day. They still got their asses kicked at Crete and in North Africa in '41 and the true turning point of the war were the twin victories at Stalingrad and El Alamein in the fall of '42.

I hadn't heard of The Death of Stalin before, but an Ianucci take on 50s Soviet politicking sounds amazing.

Influencing is different than rigging. No one is saying that the Ruskies went in and changed vote tallies on voting machines or anything like that.

Can't really call myself a Whig now can I? At least not yet.

Some of them do. Or at least try to. I already said that there isn't a major party that fully represents my values. But I agree with the Republicans more often than I do the Democrats.

I spent enough time working at a government bureaucracy to know that increasing the size and scope of said government is a bad idea. Although I'll freely admit that the Republicans generally say one thing when running and do another once in office. In truth my beliefs lie somewhere between a libertarian and a

I'm a pretty moderate Republican and was part of the intelligence community during my enlistment. I was appalled by Trump during the election and refused to vote for him. What he is doing now reeks of treason and it boggles my mind that the party of Reagan is largely trying to justify Russian interference in our

It's like a denial of service attack.

Yeah, denigrate the man who starred in some of the most beloved movies of the 80s and 90s as not a movie star. I don't know how many more times I have to say this, but fuck you Trump. Keep eating all that fast food and not exercising you obese septuagenarian monster.

New Jersey


Them's fightin' words where I'm from.