
You must like The Expanse then.

I watched the first one because of a girl. The only halfway decent part was the ridiculous vampire baseball game.

People absolutely eroticize the exotic. I served 3 years in the army in Korea and the vast majority of my ROK army friends loved them some white chicks. It was the same way to a lesser extent with my American friends and Korean women but I think Korea being such a homogenous society has something to do with it.

That's a pretty great joint brand name.

Tribalism run amok in America. It's fucking sad.

Why not both?

Yeah, the Gang have always been obviously terrible people. Who the fuck holds them up as paragons of virtue?

First SJW was considered pejorative and now it's taken as a badge of honor. Pretty funny how that shit works.

For every ND State over Iowa or App State over Michigan there are dozens of boring blowouts every year.

I don't think so. Bormann wasn't an engineer/scientist.

Not well.

Right? I never understood the decision to have the Einsatzgruppen follow the Wehrmacht into Eastern Europe and just start murdering people. The Ukrainians largely greeted the German army as liberators from the Soviets! They could of easily mobilized the population to participate in the war against the Russians but

I'll admit that the structure of European soccer leagues are baffling to me. Then again, I've never cared about it enough to really take the time to understand them.

I mean, they were. That doesn't mean we have to admire them.

Also, get rid of 2 regular season games. Most teams play at least two bullshit, stat padding, cupcake games against FCS teams anyways.

English Premier League doesn't even have a championship game. I consider that worse.

Have you seen the whole season? Hausmann is not nearly as sympathetic as he first appears.

I've seen the whole season. I just think Hausmann most closely resembles Speer, but perhaps he isn't supposed to stand in for anyone.

I wonder why the show's creators felt the need to create a fictional character for Joe's father when all the rest of the actual Nazi leadership are represented or at least mentioned in the show. The only reason I can think of is that Hausmann is a stand in for Albert Speer, who was one of the only members of Nazi

Shame on every single person involved in this bullshit.