

Happy New Year y'all! I will be rooting on my Buckeyes in the CFP tonight. Watching the game with my dad (a Clemson alum) should be pretty fun.

Even when he is trying to be magnanimous he still ends up sounding like a raging douche.

All the Mormons I knew in the army refused to drink coffee but none of them had a problem with energy drinks like monster or red bull. I thought that was kind of odd.

You are absolutely right about Mormons. I know quite a lot of them from my time in the military and with only one exception they were all hard-working, friendly, moral people.

McMullen. O'Malley was the Democratic governor of Maryland.

In all fairness to Frank, his life was basically destroyed by Juliana and the Kempeitai. I'd probably react in a similar way if my g/f left me for a Nazi and in the process caused my entire family to be murdered by the state. I'm sure before all that happened he was a pretty decent dude.

That's pretty metal. Carry on Mr. Songz.

Hard times breed hard men/women.

Still pretty funny too

And yet it is still more enjoyable than most TV comedy.

Damn son…

YES! Have you seen the new season 2 trailer? I'm so stoked.

Train to Busan. The best zombie movie in years. I'm still itching to see the animated prequel Seoul Station, as I've heard it's great.

Well, some of us anyway…

How does anyone see this as a battle between "good and evil"? Both the Reich and the Japanese Empire on the show are brutal, fascist regimes and the resistance is hardly much better. Also, the upper classes of the Reich being portrayed really do seem to live in a pretty nice society, but the fact that it took the

It was captain.

Then his staff comes out and says that he is talking about proliferation. How do people not understand that his staff having to explain everything he says or does is a BAD FUCKING SIGN????

Did Obama tell him to fuck off?

This sounds really lame.