
Why would that be considered a bad thing? I'd be much more inclined to join the pro-orgies coalition.

무슨 뜻인지 몰라.

Not in the EU…

Sorry about your friend dude. That shit hurts.

That pisses me off to no end. No shortage of that bullshit here in Ohio. I always want to ask them if they know that thousands of men from this state died to kill the idea that the flag represents.

How dare those soldiers and Marines bond over shared experiences and humorous observations about military life. Seriously, get off your high horse you dick.

True, I hadn't considered that. Still, the end of a global war that killed millions should give it some points in the "not shitty" column.

There is always Rick and Morty, friend.

Maybe. They are also fellow German speakers (some are anyway) with a professional army and highly defendable mountainous terrain covering most of the country. I'm willing to bet he would of left them alone.

No, try material created and geared towards current military and veterans.

Why was 1918 worse? At least the Great War ended.

Dude seriously. My first exposure to that meme was through military related pages so it was disconcerting to see it morph into an avatar for the white supremacist right wing.

The extra-galactic, non Force using invader storyline could of been a cool movie trilogy.

Hey, I thought Schwarzenegger did alright as governor. In all seriousness Hitler himself probably considered himself more German than Austrian. The guy could of fought for his homeland in WW1 but chose to fight for the German Empire. He stayed after the war and there is a reason that the capital of his reich was in

The lack of Bojack is criminal.

Not even Rick and Morty? Shit, even my dad likes Rick and Morty.

Yes. After the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the close of the First World War Austria has been a minor player in global politics. So while it may be good for the average Austrian citizen that they avoided a far-right government, it doesn't really have an effect on those who aren't from there.

Yeah, but Austria hasn't been relevant on the world stage in almost a hundred years.

Leaving out all the shiftiness that happened elsewhere, 2016 was the first time I was in a terrorist attack. So yeah, fuck 2016.

The writers really whiffed on the ending, but the Mass Effect series created an interesting and immersive galaxy. Great characters (not all but most) and a really cool and sufficiently threatening baddie(s) were just icing on the cake.