
I watched all these movies in one day with a bunch of Korean soldiers and airmen during a blizzard. Good times.

Just stay away from the Korean brews. They are all pretty terrible. Although one of my friends over there has said that there is the slight beginnings of a craft beer scene nowadays so maybe there is hope.

There's a reason it's called that haha

Having lived in South Korea I can confirm that they are a culture of hard drinkers. I used to think it was fun, but after hearing my friends tell me about having to go to mandatory company drinking nights a week it seemed a bit irresponsible. It's not isolated companies either, the weekly "hue-shik" as they call it is…

If they can't tell it's a shitty macrobrew right away then they have no business calling themselves beer snobs.

It's for college kids to play drinking games with.

I'm partial to Anaconda Malt Liquor myself.

I'd much rather drink a well-made craft ale or porter than have a glass of whiskey. Too each their own I guess.

I haven't. Is it widely available in the States? I can't remember seeing it in stores, but then I probably wasn't looking hard enough.

You can't get Fat Tire in Jersey where I grew up. I have no idea why. When I joined the army and got stationed out in California I discovered Fat Tire at the PX and it has been one of my top 3 favorite beers ever since.

If you like Japanese beers, Sapporo is where it's at. Probably my favorite Asian beer in general.

I actually think Coors Light is the best one on this list. A dubious honor to be sure.

You're right, my bad. I was thinking of Craig Ferguson.

It's more dignified that way.

Oliver is a naturalized citizen so the US is his country now too.

Yeah, how dare those people force me to exterminate them.

True that. Best decision I ever made.

Just in liquidating them?

Agreed. Thanks for the engaging discussion dude.

Being a condescending dick to everyone who doesn't think exactly like you is a really winning strategy though. Just ask President Clinton…