
That's what I mean. People who love to shit on millennials conveniently forget that millennial volunteers have been fighting the longest war in US history.

Apparently someone who took the time to reply to my comment.

I know that not all lefties are like that, just like I know that there are conservatives who aren't alt-right scumbags. However, the most visible and vocal group of leftists nowadays are those that worship identity politics. Unfortunately, it seems like the majority of those that do so are young people. They are the

Millennial veterans will run this country in 30 years.

Oh yay! So I get to choose between the racist, misogynistic, vulgar nationalism of the right or the regressive "fuck white people, they are the cause of every bad thing in the history of ever" left? I think I'll just stay home.

He really just proved my point.

I think you misread what I wrote. As a centrist myself, why would I want my elected officials to move further left?

They don't care about us anymore. Any loss by the major parties is now met with calls to lurch even farther towards the ideological fringe.

At least the Cubs won. That was pretty cool.

ooh ooh I 'member!

Where's your collar rank Specialist? I really don't get obvious uniform deficiencies like that. Just go get the costume people a military uniform guide, they are only like $10.

Good luck with that…

I never had a problem with my finances, but then I wasn't a married father of two trying to support my family as an E-4.

It's not, but Secretary Clinton seems to think it is based on her answers in the last two debates.

People are going to die when President Clinton institutes a no-fly zone over Aleppo.

Most British pronunciations actually make sense, but for the life of me I have no idea why y'all say lieutenant like that.

That audiobook was dope. Henry Rollins as a badass mercenary? Genius!

Agreed. Gory special effects or GTFO.

It was an entirely forgettable movie, but the film does provide one enjoyable memory for me. I was stationed at the US Army base Pitt visits when that movie came out and when I saw the film at the theater downtown all the Korean moviegoers were freaking out that their little podunk farm-town made it into a major

Snyder's Dawn of the Dead was actually pretty decent. Probably his best movie.