
We are all rightly taken aback by Trump's incredibly reckless statements about conceding the election. However, I'm a little disturbed that that is really the main thing being discussed about the debate when Hillary said some frankly horrifying things. This is twice in a row that she has forcefully advocated

I hope so. I got kinda spoiled last decade with the Angels winning the AL West almost every single year.

In 2004 I rooted for the Sox to end the curse. By 2007 I was hoping that I never saw Boston in the World Series again.

Or sometimes it's your aunt's favorite team. My aunt is basically like Jimmy Fallon's character from Fever Pitch, but for the LA Angels. I've been an Angels fan for as long as I can remember but I've never lived in LA.

Hopefully it will be the Cubs. The Cavs win has got all the Clevelanders walking around too big for their britches.

I listen to K-pop at the gym. It's something I started doing while studying Korean at DLI to help with my listening comprehension that just sort of became a habit.


The guy is an idiot troll, but he might have a point on WW3. If you watched the debate you might of heard Clinton talk of establishing a no-fly zone over Aleppo. The Russian air force conducts operations in that area. It's a recipe for disaster waiting to happen.

Look up the neo-reactionaries. That's a nutty bunch.

I think it is pretty much over at this point.

Lol what?

That's kind of the point for libertarians.

I really don't get the hatred for Tebow. Yeah sure, he is annoyingly Christian but he's not a dick about it. He wasn't a great NFL quarterback but that doesn't make him a bad person.

Says the guy commenting on an online blog's video game review.

I'm curious to see what Battlefield 1's SP is like. However it is a Battlefield game so my expectations aren't very high.

Yeah fuck all those people. The Arbiter is a far more interesting character than the Chief.

That's what the Trump fans believe.

Honestly, a non goofy 70s version of Logan's Run is something I hope gets made in the Hollywood remake glut.

My university police department has a fucking MRAP. Granted, I go to one of the largest schools in the country smack dab in the middle of a pretty big city but there is no reason a school PD needs a vehicle designed to survive IEDs

Exactly. I'm to the point were I don't trust either side. Too many instances of narrative being more important than the truth.