
The military actually has more restrictive ROEs than police do in America. The "I feared for my life" shit that cops throw out after every shooting doesn't fly over there. If PFC Snuffy lights up Joe Afghan cause he thought the dude had a weapon and wasn't actively taking fire than you bet your ass it would result in

old school

Can't think of a cooler obituary than "died on Mars".

Lying is congenital in the Trump family.

Which is fair, because as stupid and ridiculous as the Mormon religion is most of them are incredibly decent people.

As far as satire goes, this episode was pretty on the nose. They had Garrison/Trump come out and say what a fucked up, shitty president he would be and that you would be an idiot to vote for him. Doesn't get more direct than that.

It's the best cheap beer in America.

All of K-Pop is cultural appropriation!!

I'll watch anything with Korean actor Song Kang-ho. That dude is fucking phenomenal.

Check out Train to Busan. Well worth a watch.

Who asked for this?

Three Kings was basically Kelly's Heroes in the Gulf War.

Because they would make too much money?

God that movie is just so much fun.

Why should they be sympathetic?

It helps that they only really export their best stuff. Trust me, a lot of the movies I saw while living in Korea were just as bad as the drek that Hollywood pushes out.

Song Kang-ho is in it? I'm fucking down.

I think there is a little too much of an anti-officer mentality in Max's graphic novel for it to ever become required reading in the Corps. In my experience officers don't much like being thought of as incompetent assholes, but as a former member of the E-4 mafia what the fuck do I know right?

I recently discovered The Great War youtube channel so I have been watching that all weekend.

It's like he takes a kernel of a good idea and thinks to himself "How can I fuck this up with a bunch of ridiculous, outlandish, overwrought bullshit?"