
I basically did his job for him.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that G is named after Gwen Stefani.

I kinda liked the X-Wing novels. They sorta played out like Star Wars Tom Clancy books. Not great literature, but fairly entertaining.

Well they didn't kill them (which was the right decision because that would have been wrong and a war crime) and those dudes promptly reported their position to the Taliban.

My grandfather fought at Guadalcanal and had nothing but hatred for the Japanese. Honestly, I can kind of understand as that was a brutal no-holds barred war. However he stayed in the Navy after the war and was involved in the Korean War and had nothing but nice things to say about the Korean people. Kind of a wash I

Not really. The rich by and large don't join the military anymore. A large majority of the officer corps come from the middle class.

You don't have to join a combat arms branch. I was in the army for five years and never fired my rifle at another human being.

Yeah, because the US military is comparable to the Waffen SS right?

For Harambe?

You forgot profit…

Sure, I buy that this incident can be looked at in a racial context. That she was bigoted in her thoughts of "I'm white, so this black dude must want me". I don't know how that translates to her being a white supremacist trying to get black men killed or imprisoned. That's a big fucking stretch dude. The same way she

I just saw Train to Busan last night and loved it. It had its moments of weird Korean humor alongside some really effective and clever action scenes. Having the main douchebag guy be a company COO was a little on the nose though.

I'm no Lena Dunham fan but that's a mighty big stretch you're making there.

Celebrated the beginning of football season by going to the 'Shoe and watching my Buckeyes beat up one of their annual contractually obligated creampuff opponents. Other than that, I'm going to the local indie theater with some friends/classmates tomorrow to see the Korean zombie flick Train to Busan. I've been really

lol ok

I may be in the minority here when I say this but fuck that man and his entire family.

There would be a revolt in Jersey if he did that. I'm a Jersey expat and I would return to the state to fight in the Taylor Ham wars.

Or any of the "experts" in any given episode of Metalocalypse.

Ruby Rhod
William Murderface (or really any of the names from the members of Dethklok)
Cream Corn from Black Dynamite

Oh I agree and I haven't played that far into the game yet to see if they delve deeper but it seems to me that complaining about a slogan thrown on some background posters is a bit childish.