
I thought the whole point of good science fiction was to use the trappings of the future to hold up a mirror to our own society? Are analogies to be considered offensive now?

So not all that different from humans then?

The choices are we sit on our ass and do nothing about Islamist militants or we take the war to them as we have been doing. Either way will see the US being criticized. The shitty fact is that Al Qaeda, IS, Taliban and the rest understand their technological inferiority. They realize that their only defense against

Ugh, or that mission in TIE Fighter where you have to hunt down, inspect, and disable the transport carrying some smuggler within 2 min of the start of the mission.

It was really well plotted for a flight sim too. I still remember the betrayal I felt when your reinforcements turn on you in the mission where you mop up the remnants of Harkov's fleet.

Well to be fair to the other nurses she was their superior. That shit is weird.

There are absolutely valid criticisms to be had about the show's portrayal of how the main characters act towards women. However as a former soldier I can tell you that that sort of behavior isn't exactly uncommon in the military even today, particularly in combat arms branches. Additionally, while Hawkeye and Trapper

That dude is insufferably religious but as he seems like a pretty decent person I wish him luck.

I don't think he was being completely serious but to even joke about such things as a presidential candidate shows that he should be no where near the office of the presidency.

And yet President Obama was a two-term president.

Really they are both so good that I can't decide which one I like better.

True that. That movie went off the rails pretty damn fast.

Goddamn what a crazy movie that would have been.

Way too many people are of the opinion that disagreement should be met with totally shutting down the ability to voice that disagreement.

Yeah, he was just as disgusting and evil as the men they were chasing.

This is the most cringe-worthy British comedy I've ever seen. I don't think my fellow countrymen are ready for it.

I think that was implied.

Cotton constantly bringing up the fact that he killed fifty men.

If you are a dyed in the wool liberal who wants to vote for Jill Stein I can see why Trumpists would encourage that. However my political beliefs are far more centrist and I am leaning towards the Libertarian ticket so my Trump supporting "friends" think that I am throwing my vote away for Clinton.

The Libertarians are on the ballots in all 50 states.