
Ohio… fuck.

If they had to make another show I don't know why they didn't make it about the people in charge dealing with the collapse. That would have been interesting.

When I point out that I'm voting third party Clinton supporters chastise me and say that it's as good as voting for Trump. Trump supporters say the opposite. Which is it?

That's looking more and more possible these days.

There is a modern Whig party you can check out if you are serious.

I like to think of it as a romantic comedy with explosions.

I dig Top Gun. It's highly quotable and re-watchable, I just don't think it had the impact that Aliens did. Also, Top Gun is just kind of stupid. The Navy shoots down like four enemy fighters and everyone just fucking high fives each other at the end. It's like "That's it, Cold War is over guys. We fucking did it bro!"

I see where you are coming from, but still gotta disagree. Aliens pretty much invented the cinematic space marine trope.

Yeah, but it hits that so bad it's good sweet spot.

Pretty good list but there is no way that Top Gun is going to be there instead of Aliens.

‘I am a beautiful animal! ‘I am a destroyer of worlds! ‘I am Harry Fucking Potter!’

Fuck yeah BASEketball! That scene describing how the Beers can make the playoffs is fucking sports comedy gold.

There should always be a Mookie in baseball.

Wait, chicken parm isn't vegan?

I wish I could upvote this more than once.

What the fuck are you talking about?


They killed the sniper with a bomb.

Hahahaha lieutenants, amirite? Nobody? I'll see myself out…

That's probably one of my favorite Doctor Who quotes.