
I have a friend I was stationed in Korea with who is a huge Trump supporter. He posts all kinds of anti-immigrant, "white genocide" type shit on facebook all the time. The weird thing is, he is married to a Korean woman and doesn't see the contradiction in that.

Not mine. My dad is pretty fucking conservative, but he is absolutely horrified by Trump.

Well seeing as she is the only human alive who has encountered them, that kind of makes her the expert by default.

That's ok, I don't expect everyone to have the same tastes as I do.

Yes, carry on.

That was my go-to reply when I was in the army. Most of my NCOs didn't really appreciate it.

Fuck yeah. This is my favorite movie of all time.

Timmy McVeigh and Ted Kaczynski were mass shooters? News to me.

Sorry for your loss dude.

I'm an army vet so I'm fully aware of how complicated physical confrontations are. Irregardless, those cops are trained at subduing people, and the guy was already lying on the ground. Two trained officers should have no problem putting that guy in handcuffs.

When people tell me most cops are good I just roll my fucking eyes. I grew up in a fairly wealthy suburb in NJ where the cops spent most of their time conducting traffic stops and harassing teenagers. In high school my sister was pretty much the go-to person for weed for the whole town and had quite a few run ins with

If two officers on top of the man lying on the ground couldn't prevent the guy from reaching into his pocket to get his gun then they have no business being cops in the first place.

Adultery is a crime in the US military. The Korean legal system is pretty fucking lenient, especially compared to the states. Prison terms for non-violent crimes are routinely suspended and being under the influence of alcohol is considered a legitimate mitigating circumstance. Pretty much the only thing they are

The War on Drugs was the beginning of our descent into an authoritarian police state. The War on Terror only made it worse.

While it's true that Park got a bump because of her life spent in the public eye, she is not her father. She is the democratically elected one term president of a constitutional republic. So quit equating her with the Yushin dictatorship. Additionally, you are completely incorrect in your claim that the ocean isn't

Compared to where it was at the end of the Korean War? The ROKs deserve a lot of credit for rebuilding their country to where it is today. It's not perfect, but really nowhere is.

True the VC/NVA were marvelous warriors. It is a travesty that we got pulled into that bullshit French colonial war. I remember reading "The Best and the Brightest" by David Halberstam and being absolutely amazed to find out that Ho Chi Minh was an admirer of the US revolution. To find out that he came to our

The NVA didn't really "kick our asses" though. There was no major tactical defeat on the level of Dien Bien Phu. On the contrary, our forces won almost every major battle we fought, but all the NVA had to do was wait until the American public tired of that pointless war. It cost them a ridiculous amount of casualties,

Are you serious? The NLL is an extension of the DMZ and why should the ROKs let NK vessels into their territory given the north's history of provocation and infiltration? The food aid that is given to NK every year by the south is given to the KPA instead of the hungry citizens. No one gloats about the suffering of

Oh it wouldn't be easy or cheap, but the KPA wouldn't last long against the combined firepower of the US and ROK forces.