
I remember one VICE documentary where Shane Smith sang "Anarchy in the UK" at a karaoke bar with his NK minders. It was fucking awesome.

You sound quite knowledgeable about this issue. Did you by chance ever serve in USFK?

While it wouldn't be pretty, I don't think there would be widespread NK insurgency against an occupying ROK army. They have the benefit of sharing the same language and culture, as well as the strong sense of oneness that Koreans feel towards one another.

While the KPA has been seriously weakened in recent years, they certainly have enough firepower to lay waste to Seoul. One 240mm MRL battery can pulverize a whole city block. Trust me, it was my job to know these things.

Bruce Cumings is the ultimate North Korean apologist. That's not to say he doesn't have some interesting things to say, you just have to know who you are dealing with.

With the heads of government, military, and almost half of the country's population in Seoul, the 15,000 artillery pieces in range of the city constitute an existential threat. Why do you think we haven't gone to war despite provocations like the sinking of a ROK warship and the shelling of a ROK island in 2010?

김정은 장군님 만세! 인민군이 미제침략군을 몰아내자!

I doubt he is paid by NK. There are more than a few western and South Korean hardcore leftists out there who support the DPRK.

Regurgitating DPRK talking points vis-a-vis the US being the aggressor and blaming US and ROK exercises for destabilizing the peninsula is being an apologist. Also, calling the ROK unstable is sophistry at best.

North Korean apologists like you make me sick.

Not a bad deal, for the Roman soldier that is.

Vet here. We don't give a shit.

If we had had no revolution in the 1770s we would of had one in the 1840s when Britain outlawed slavery. Or at least the southern colonies would have.

Reloaded is actually pretty good. It fails mainly because the movie is just a set up for the third movie. I think if the Wachowski's had made it a standalone story with an actual conclusion it would have been near as good as the first one.

I would think it would be pretty obvious.

I enjoyed Gaeta's mutiny quite a bit, but that's really the only saving grace of season 4. The more they got away from the whole "aircraft carrier in space" schtick, the worse the show got.

I thought that was kind of the point.

Nah, Cubs are winning it all this year.

Growing up, I always thought that Buckeye fans were some of the worst fans in sports. Right up there with Boston and Philly fans. Now I attend Ohio State, so I am one of those assholes.

Still Jon Snow? Rhaegar and Lyanna weren't married so Jon is still a bastard.