
No, I'm not. That poor girl who was killed was. If I were to say "fuck the Koran and all who believe in it" in response to the Orlando nightclub shooting you would probably rightly call me out for being a bigot. How is this any different?

Oh ok, I'm totally with you there.

Wait, you don't really think that the way North Korea treats is citizens is false propaganda do you? If you do, I have a good deal on some beachfront property on the moon I'd like to sell you.

When the core argument is "death or slavery to all who do not follow our fundamentalist Sunni Islam teachings", yes it is religious. To say otherwise is sophistry.

My hobby isn't killing people. I happen to find target shooting to be a relaxing stress reliever. I know it's not for everyone, but go ahead, please continue to demonize folks like me and lump us in with terrorists and murderers. Stereotyping, how progressive of you.

Yeah, how is someone supposed to return fire in the middle of a fucking crowded nightclub?

Both religions are fairy-tales with hideous beliefs on gays, women, and anyone who doesn't buy into the bullshit.

Religion is a disease endemic to our species.

Why can't it be both?

Fuck you and whatever hobby you have. That being said, I absolutely think there needs to be restrictions and strict oversight on who can purchase a firearm.

Yeah, I haven't read the Aubrey books, but I absolutely loved Far Side of the World. Wish they made a few more.

Oh, my mistake. Check em out if you get the chance.

It's a pretty good miniseries about a totally different fictional Napoleonic-era Royal Navy officer. I haven't seen it in years but I remember really liking it.

So basically Hornblower?

I'd love a Ball Fondlers spinoff.

Doctor Who as a Telltale Adventure game.

Yeah, but Kung Fury is hilarious.

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Yeah, but are you talking about an American actor pretending to be a British alien, or using their regular accent?

As an American, I don't like the idea of an American Doctor. The Britishness of the character and show is essential in my mind. That being said, I would like to see an American companion.