
Still the most horrifying depiction of warfare ever put to film.

I almost gave up on BSG after Starbuck "died". In retrospect, I probably should have after how disappointing season 4 was.

I was thinking the same thing. Been studying the language and culture for over five years and lived there for three and have never heard of this movie.

Hmm, sounds like me.

Yup, thats Yoo Jae Suk. He's pretty damn funny.

That Sam Hammington is one goofy dude. He cracks me up in 진짜 사나이.

Yeah its terrible, but it only costs about a buck fifty in convenience stores in Korea. That's the only reason I drank it.

Would you say that this show was second to none?

Nah, that was pretty funny.


I just think its funny that you called out someone for being un-pc using a very un-pc word.

*gargantuan American penis

Humor is hard to translate in general. I remember seeing Wolf of Wall Street in Seoul and I was the only person in the theater laughing.

Idk, sometimes it can be kind of funny if its over the top and ridiculous. Kind of like all the death and gore on Metalocalypse.

I see what you did there.

Relatively small. Four billion people is still a shitload of people.

Hey, enough with the legalese. Not all of us have been to law school.

How dare those women violate Mr. Cosby's safe space by reporting their rapes and trying to obtain closure and justice!

I'm conflicted on the whole Bergdahl issue. On one hand he made a monumentally stupid decision and it cost him five years of his life as a POW with some truly despicable people. On the other hand he fucking deserted his unit in a combat zone. I'm don't think that life in Leavenworth is really the punishment that the

Yup, they are all dead.